Statement of aims and intentions
Statement of aims and intentions
My magazine will be aimed at the youth with context behind the lifestyle, music and fashion of upcoming rappers and styles created.
The reason for why I have selected this genre is as it is something which I would personaly follow closely as media has such a high impact on what is done around us and this is where and how “trends” would be set.
Lifestyle, fashion and music will demonstrate popularity towards the young audience as well as potentially challenging the codes of genre depending on who enjoys the look. As even though the magazine will be affordable to most people, the lifestyle shown by the rappers and celebritys is something which can be seen as motivating to the youth of today, as it shows proof behind hard work! This is also something which isn’t advertised and is a way for fans to gain a deeper connection with the artist or celebrity such as what there day would consist off or potentially just a insight of what they are into.
My audience will primarily be young adults who are mainstream aspirers and enjoy being up to date with style and see themselves as fashionable as well as enjoying music, the music will be well known rappers and infused with smaller upcoming rappers in hopes of the magazine helping them to grow and for readers to be able to say that they heard it first!
My magazine will use numerous codes of conventions such as symbolic codes such as setting and mis-en-scene to help create an environment as well as technical codes such as lighting and will have text to intrigue readers and keep the topics quick and easy to read as this is something which the young audience are interested in too, this is primary and secondary initiative I have found when thinking about how to create and boost my target markets usps
the artists and celebrities who I will use will be used to reflect the magazine and the aims and focuses as they will also need to be fashionable or a good role model.
The locations I will use will be to create a scene for the viewer and to gain a better understanding as it can be difficult for someone to get a true understanding of whats going on with just facial expressions therefore eby adding props and location can help viewers
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