- How are women portrayed in the media? Are there differences between the different media platforms? Make reference to the following media platforms TV (news and reality TV) and film
- How are men represented in the media?
- What role did the media play after WW2?
women are often suffered by a narrow set of representation in the media, and are often linked to domestic situations, because of this men have felt like they are empowered over women. because of this women are not seen as much in bigger roles in jobs due to the fact that they are possibly not seen as trustworthy to be as skilled, which is completely wrong and is a very stereotypical impression.
In some media such as mainstream women fashion magazines, some women are portrayed as sex objects by the way they dress and how the media tends to mould there appearance, but the reason the women are dressed in a appealing way, is to gain interest towards customers so they purchase the magazine, as the editor uses this stereotypical ideology to gain as many customers as possible. on the other hand, the same method to attract viewers is used in advertisement for tv shows, such as even though the News has recetnly started using women, however, for the very first time even then women were told to "dress to impress" which is wrong as the news is there to tell information and not to gain vieweers by using the women as a sexual object, i think this is fault to the editor or stylist as these are the people who have control over this but continue to do this is beacuse it is done so often on TV that if one company decides to stop it may seem like it is giving the other business which do exactly the same a to be more appealing, therefore all companies should follow a possible guideline if they want to stop with the stereotyping of women. also i feel like like women who blame men are aso to blame, as they have to understand the editior is aware of the stereotyping and ideologies given and uses this to his advantage, which not only gives women a bad stereo typical apperance but also men, making them seem very thirst and boyish.
the media influenced alot about society after ww2, it gave much more light towards men and women in the work place a
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