post modernism
rejects the fact that some genres are better then others and is all to judgement of taste
he distinction between media and reality has collapsed and we now live in a reality defined by images and representation state of simulacrum
states of truth are just claims or discourses and what we believe to be the truth at any point is merely the winning discourse
a postmodernism trait i the videos would be nostalgia as in the begging of the videos they show kids to reflect themselves or how their childlike was, as this gives a clear picture to viewers who had a very different upbringing, such as in the riptide video
Also shows godwits theory of the literal meaning to give a clear understanding to the viewer as the lyrics relate to the images shown, for instance when the artists says "this guy decides to quit his job and heads to new York city" it shows a suitcase, ticket to new York as well as showing a plane flying over . Bricolage is used as a construction of the material used to set scene with a variety of props and objects
additionally as they say left on the video the lime is taken off the tree with the left arm
the term left hand man can be used a juxtaposition of right hand man or can suggest how being a lefthand man is someone who someone trusts the most, this can be used to relate the lyrics of how he want sot be his lovers closest.
the opening shot sure a cinematic style credits and information about the music video with title at the bottom of the screen
the use of
the use of
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