
surrealism and key elements 
surrealism definition. A movement in art and literature that flourished in the early twentieth century. Surrealism aimed at expressing imaginative dreams and visions free from conscious rational control. Salvador Dali was an influential surrealistpainter; Jean Cocteau was a master of surrealist film. Artists and writers of the movement believe Surrealism to be a revolutionary philosophical movement first, using visual works merely as an artefact. Since we are graphic and web designers ourselves, let us discuss surrealism in its visual form.  There are two types of surrealist paintings, one is about dreams, using a lot of Freudian images like apples, hats, and birds. The other is automatism inspired by Freud's free association in order to reveal the unconsciousness mind.

Ways in which sexuality is part of surrealism  ?
The Surrealists sought to channel the unconscious as a means to unlock the power of the imagination. Disdaining rationalism and literary realism, and powerfully influenced by psychoanalysis, the Surrealists believed the rational mind repressed the power of the imagination, weighing it down with taboos

What is a montage (Soviet)?
 Soviet montage theory is an approach to understanding and creating cinema that relies heavily upon editing (montage is French for "assembly" or "editing"). It is the principal contribution of Soviet film theorists to global cinema, and brought formalism to bear on film making..

What is the purpose of a montage?
Montage is a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. The term has been used in various contexts.

What role does sequencing and juxtaposition play in a montage?
A filmmaker creates a rhythm in a film through juxtaposition between the shots. The sequence of alternating shots creates tension that produces an emotional response in the audience.


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