gender norms HW

Gender norms

women advert 
In the first ad it shows how the male is trying to talk to the female and how the female is not interested, as shows was she is looking away in discomfort, from this you can also tell that the advert is aimed at women as the pink colour is generally a colour linked to women  by society.

weight loss advert
The second advert is aimed to women to lose weight as good looking women are conveyed by the media to be thin waist, and as the ad shows a women falling through the cake and how being overweight can ruin your marriage.

Levis men advert
The last ad is aimed towards men to be strong and good looking as the advert is advertising jeans however the fact that it says live life unbuttoned suggest how men should be strong and fit and that they should have pride to wear no top. This is conveyed by using a model who is wearing glasses to give a emphasis of cool and stylish which men are seen to  have to follow.


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