#6 - Funding of SOC and I,Daniel Blake

Film Industry - Straight Outta Compton and I, Daniel Black
There are three distinct areas of the film industry.
Each one of these could be viewed as a type of media institution.



What happens at each stage?
For the exam, you will only need to be familiar with the first two stages in detail.
Some of the key issues that you will need to understand and relate to the case studies
         Budget and funding
         The types of films produced (Hollywood vs. British Film Industry)
         How the different stages of production can be used in order to target the audience?
         The impact of technology
         The use of vertical integration
         The role of festivals
         Different types of release patterns used [cinematic and home release]
         Digital distribution
         Regulation - Film classification and age certification
         The impact of technology (piracy)
The impact of media ownership – to what extent can Curran and Seaton as well as Hesmondhalgh’s theory be applied to analyse the two case studies?

Production involves the creation of the media product and is the responsibility of the PRODUCTION COMPANY

Text Box: Cube visions, legendary entertainment, new line cinema.  

Which production company produced Straight Outta Compton?
How do films get funded?
         The Studio Model
         Government funding
         UK Tax finance
         Pre sales
         Product placement
         National and regional agencies
Text Box: The studio model, co production and sales What funding method is most likely to be used in the Hollywood film industry?

The writer/director/producer must find finance for a film – which may come from one or many production companies (a co-production)
Both use co-production in order to fund the film. But what is the main difference between the two films regarding funding?
Text Box: Soc, had a larger production budget because it is a conglomerate of universal studios and has lots of subsidiaries who help promote, also the fact that it can get behind better funding Why did Straight Outta Compton have a larger production budget?
Universal Pictures is part of a conglomerate •                 What is a conglomerate? Conglomerate is when business come together to get benefits of each oter business and reduce costs
What is the benefit of being part of a conglomerate? To use the benefits of the business in the conglomerate such as advertising and to reduce costs
Some of the production costs were covered by product placement in the film.
                     You will watch the trailer of the film – what examples of product placement do you see in the film?
                     Why would Straight Outta Compton be appealing to companies as possible place to advertise their product?
                     At the begging of the trailer it advertises the companies and uses the big actors to bring in viewers. It would seem appealing for business as they would get advertisement from well-known actors

It can be argued that Legendary Pictures and Universal’s deal is an example of horizontal and vertical integration. Why?  As they gain the benefits of cheaper distribution and production.
Why is important to look at the funding of film?
You can explore the following:
                     The types of films made •          The production value What is production value?
                     In the movie industry, the quality of a film is referred to as its “production value.” •               Films with a higher budget will usually have a high production value.
high concept film
A major film that features global themes, a simply fairy-tale narrative, major stars, music by major composers or pop stars, is a genre film and has a saturated 360-degree marketing campaign.
A high-budget production
       Looks good exhibiting high production values 
       Aimed at mass global  markets
       Universally recognisable story
       Simple characters easy to understand
       Offers ‘synergy’, merchandising, TV/ DVD sales   
       Relies on vital merchandising

High budget affords:
       Special effects
       Great script
       Exotic locations
       New technology – camera work
Cross-media convergence = They are looking to create brand that they can transfer to theme parks, games and television.

Hollywood film industry is dominated by conglomerate

Characteristic of Hollywood What is the benefit of taking this approach? Films Today
         Blockbuster: sfx/cgi/3d
         Genre and the repackaging of successful elements
Power and media industries - Curran and Seaton
Cultural industries - David Hesmondhalgh
          The idea that the media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and power.
          The idea that media concentration generally limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality
          The idea that more socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media productions.
          The idea that cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products (e.g. through the use of stars, genres, and serials)
          The idea that the largest companies or conglomerates now operate across a number of different cultural industries.
          The idea that the radical potential of the internet has been contained to some extent by its partial incorporation into a large, profit-orientated set of cultural industries.
To what extent is the film is a high concept film and typical of the Hollywood film industry? Provide evidence Argments in agreement
To what extent is the film is a high concept film and typical of the Hollywood film industry? Provide evidence Argments in disagreement
Hollywood – a brief overview
         Hollywood is built around studios and conglomerates
         Hollywood operates as an oligopoly especially when it comes to distribution.
         Hollywood film industry is vertically integrated.
         Companies who aim to make money from films through diversification, which is aided by cross media convergence
Focus on producing high concept films and building franchises.


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