context 1940-1950s

women have been percieved  different by society from the 1940s compared to the 1950s, this is shown within the two adverts as the tide adverts heavily connotes women to be constantly at home and is very domestic where as in the 1950s when England was at war, and women were needed, they were perceived as helpful and needed as suggested with the yellow background which suggests emergency
and energy, a bold quote "turns out girls are useful after all" is used to contradict how women were period in the 1940s to then, as it also suggests that women didnt understand how they could help within society.
society perceived women to not be useful else where then doing domestic chores and left everything to men, where as in the 1950s when in war, women were called upon to do what they could do, only men were seen as the dominate figure previously but as women stated to become more independent they were able to earn respect as the propoganda within the adverts tried to convey this, therefore a-lot of women signed up as they had gained responsibilities.
domestic commodities were aspirational as only middle class or higher class would be able to get it.


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