MC Donalds advert

Mc Donalds estate advert 

The advert starts off with a establishing shot, showing the location, of a urban area, a high tempo grime beat is played to keep a positive flow with the advert,the following medium shot shows young males dancing to the music also which also syncs well with the music and the urban area which is is based. The following scene uses a tracking shot to follow a old male who is clearly contrasting with the younger males to show off how MC Donald's is for all people, this point extends  when the next scene shows the old man listening to vinyl records of jazz music which is linked to the older generation especially as the video was created in 2013.
the next scene goes more into depth to give the viewer a clear understanding as the young males are shown with there trousers low on there waist, playing football and video games with lots of close up shots showing them enjoying themselves whilst the older man is shown looking at himself in the mirror putting on his braces, both scenes use close up shots to allow the viewer to gain a clearer context of the emotions of the characters, the fact the two scenes are played between suggests to the viewer that both are being compared, and how the shot types are taken differently, however when both the young males and the older male is in Mc Donalds it connotes that they both have "Mc Donald" in common, aswell as the fact this is the first time both characters are in the same scene.

The second video starts off with bright colours and lots of snap shots of mcdonalds resturant, it also has a trumpet music with children singing a sort of theme tune, the music is used to try and uplift the mood of the viewer so they would want to go to Mc donalds, it also gives a sense that it is aimed for younger audience, and that parents should take their children there as the song says "a fun and happy place" the advert continues with lots of medium shots and close ups of customers and employees smiling this is done to attune with the song and give a cheery connotations.
as the advert continues there is a narrator used to point out what Mc donalds is good at, for example the narrator says "mc donalds famous french fries",on top of this the narrator talks about how there are large bibs for children, this is said for the parents of the children and emphaisses the fact that the advert is targeted for children and adults as  this is done to try and give Mc donalds a good reputation of the food standards.furthermore, the narrator talks about all the advantage of doanlds offers such as "spill proof lids" in a close up picture to show detail to customers the effectiveness. bright colours are constantly used as well as the scenes are all shot in daytime, the high-key lighting is to also extend the fact that mc donalds is a suitable place for children and adults.


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